Yesterday’s announcement is excellent news. An injection of £750m into the Charity Sector will be most welcome.
As yet the detail is fairly thin, but the support will be split into two funds: –
- £360m will be directly allocated by Government departments to charities providing key services and supporting vulnerable people during the crisis.
- £370m for small and medium-sized charities, including through a grant to the National Lottery Community Fund for those in England, to support those organisations at the heart of local communities which are making a big difference during the outbreak, including those delivering food, essential medicines and providing financial advice.
Here is the link to the Government’s announcement is Charities Gov.UK announcement, and
Here is the link to the National Lottery Community Fund National Lottery Community Fund
We understand that updates will be published as they become available. It would be wise to monitor both websites to catch more news. We don’t yet know what criteria will be used by the Government for the direct allocation, and we suspect that there will be some form of invitation to apply for grants to the Community Fund.
Mark, Helen, Rachel and I are available either by e-mail or their our mobile ‘phones if you would like to discuss anything further.