Cash Back From The Taxman! TBP Masterclass – 1 May 2014

Apr 9, 2014 | Uncategorized

Dyke Yaxley’s tax experts Tony Elliott and Pam Mason will be revealing a range of innovative and under-used tax initiatives which could make a real difference to business owners.

Tony and Pam belive that businessses are missing out on saving money simply because they are unaware that certain tax schemes exist.  They will specifically cover Research and Development Tax Relief, Patent Box Regime and opportunities around Capital Allowances.

The Team will also be on-hand to address any general taxation questions you may have, including any business-related tax implications resulting from the Chancellor’s recent Budget.

This is a real opportunity to catch up on the latest tax incentives which could ultimately save you and your business money.

Date: Thursday 1 May 2014

Venue:  Cherry Room, SC Building, University of Wolverhampton, Priorslee Campus, Telford, TF2 9NT

Time:  15.30 – 16.00  Registration, Refreshments and Networking

           16.00 – 17.00  Presentation followed by Question and Answer Session

To book for this event please email or call Jodi on 01743 241281.

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