Recipe for fund raising success

Jun 29, 2011 | Uncategorized

Dedicated staff from a Shropshire accountancy firm have raised an incredible £21,500 for charity in the last 12 months.

The team from Dyke Yaxley Chartered Accountants, in Shrewsbury, have worked hard to achieve their total, and have helped all kinds of charities during the year.

Managing Director, Helen Thomas, said: “We’re very proud of our entire team who have really thrown themselves into a wide variety of activities in order to raise as much cash as possible for good causes.

“When we calculated the overall total, we were absolutely amazed and it’s going to be a tough amount to beat in our next financial year.”

The latest fund raising event was a Charity Cake Sale at the Company’s office in Old Potts Way, which raised £150 for the firm’s nominated charity, Down’s Syndrome.

“Staff supported the event by baking cakes at home to sell to colleagues and other businesses in the area, and we were delighted with the response.”

Other charity efforts by the firm have included:

  • A joint partnership with the Save the Children Shop in Shrewsbury, where staff donated unwanted items to be sold in aid of the cause.


  • Nicola Storar raised almost £4,000 for The Alzheimer’s Society with her Dad, Jon, by completing a daunting trek to Everest Base Camp.


  • Ian Middleton ran this year’s London Marathon with his wife, Louise, to raise money for Get Kids Going – a charity which supports disabled athletes.


  • Dyke Yaxley staff joined colleagues from Henshalls Insurance Brokers and Kingsland Wealth Management for a Race Night to raise over £400 for The Alzheimer’s Society.



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