Business advisory

All businesses need support from time to time, whether it is to help get the business off the ground, build on its growth and improve profitability or plan for the future.

At DY our Business Advisory team have the skills and expertise to guide your business through each challenge as it arises.

Our services include:


  • Exit & succession planning
    A clear strategy and comprehensive planning are imperative in today’s business world. We can help you develop a succession plan to enable a successful exit from your business …….read more
  • Business structures 
    Our experienced team can help you with your restructure or re-organisation, helping you keep tax to a minimum…….read more
  • Capital allowances
    Capital allowances are a valuable tax incentive for businesses and can be complex, our team can identify claims that will generate the greatest possible savings.
  • Employee share schemes
    An employee share scheme is a way of sharing company ownership with your team. You can reward one or more key people with equity, or all of your employees.
  • Credit Review Service
    DY’s relationship with Capitalise allows us to provide additional information to the Credit Bureau at Experian through the Credit Review Service. A dedicated team of analysts will review the business’ credit profile and determine whether the newly submitted information will change the business’ credit score……read more
  • Capitalise for Business
    The Capitalise for Business licence provides access to a user-friendly credit monitoring platform where you will be able to actively monitor your own business’ credit score and the credit scores of your customers using data from Experian. When you add a customer to the platform, they will remain on there until they are deleted. This allows you to check their credit score at any time without having to search again for them and you will be notified by email of any changes to their score. You can track the scores of up to 100 customers at any one time and they can be swapped in and out to allow for an unlimited number of customers to be checked. Please get in touch with a member of the team to arrange a free demo of the platform.

Need further information

If you would like some additional advice about our services, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Please call either Elwyn Turner or Mark Bramall on 01743 241 281 or email or

Meet the experts

Cian Iddison

Cian Iddison

Business Advisory Senior


Elwyn Turner



Mark Bramall

Mark Bramall



Sarah Hartshorn

